Program Overview

The Micro Investment Incubation Program (MIIP) is a strategic model aimed at providing financial backing and mentorship to individuals aged 18 to 35, fostering their capacity building and readiness for entrepreneurial ventures.

Our goal is to empower and mentor 100 new entrepreneurs annually, equipping them with essential skills, knowledge, and resources crucial for entrepreneurial success.

The model is focused on bridging the gap between conceptualization and realization, emphasizing prompt action towards tangible outcomes.

MIIP is a non-governmental initiative established by Emconsult in partnership with Earthmedia Communications, specifically targeting young adults aged 18 to 35 years old.

The model was inaugurated in 2023 at the Abuja Board Room, Neca Building, Alausa Lagos, Nigeria, featuring esteemed guest speakers, panel discussions, and a live audience of participants.

Our primary objective is to close the gap between ideas and actualization, especially within the entrepreneurial sphere. We believe early exposure to entrepreneurial concepts and opportunities empowers young adults to initiate their ventures, embodying a proactive approach towards achieving their aspirations.

Mission Statement

“Empowering and supporting young adults to thrive in entrepreneurship through innovative mentorship, counselling, and fostering the growth of both macro and micro local economies in Nigeria.”

Vision Statement

“To cultivate a future where young adults possess the knowledge, skills, and resources to confidently pursue entrepreneurial ventures, creating a community of thriving and innovative business owners.”

Core Values

  1. Empowerment: Empowering young adults by equipping them with the tools for entrepreneurial success.
  2. Innovation: Encouraging creativity and novel approaches crucial for business success.
  3. Integrity: Upholding honesty, transparency, and high ethical standards in all endeavours.
  4. Collaboration: Valuing partnerships and collaborative efforts for greater impact.
  5. Excellence: Striving for excellence in program delivery and beneficiary support.
  6. Community Impact: Commitment to fostering sustainable businesses that positively impact local economies.

Benefits of Sponsorship

Sponsoring our Micro Investment Incubation Program offers several advantages:

  1. Impactful Contribution: Directly contribute to the development and success of young entrepreneurs, fostering innovation and economic growth.
  2. Brand Visibility: Gain prominent recognition through various marketing channels, enhancing brand visibility and reach.
  3. Networking:  Connect with a diverse network of entrepreneurs, experts, and potential partners through program events.
  4.  Corporate Social Responsibility: Showcase commitment to youth empowerment and corporate social responsibility, enhancing community goodwill and reputation.

MIIP 2023

Our Sponsors/Partners

Currently, MIIP is self-sponsored by the organizers but remains open to sponsorship opportunities.